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Design Workshop

工作營課程規劃Workshop Schedule


10:00~12:00  【中文字體設計基礎 Basic Chinese Lettering】


13:30~15:10  【歐文字體設計基礎 Basic Latin Lettering】

15:10~15:30     休息時間

15:30~17:30  【中歐字體練習創作與點評 Chinese and Latin Design Session with Critique】

Lecturer Introduction

截圖 2024-06-19 下午10.58.19.png

曾國榕 Tseng GoRong

畢業於日本京都精華大學視覺設計研究所,大學就讀國立台中教育大學主修美術與教育,2011年獲教育部留學獎學金留獎生,於留日期間接觸到字體排印學(Typography)的相關課程,從此熱愛研究文字。京都精華大學設計研究所畢業後,回國加入 justfont。擔任字體設計師與字體課程講師,參與過「金萱」「金萱那提」「蘭陽明體」等字型設計製作,以及免費字型如「jf open粉圓」與「嘉市體」的開發。



Graduated from the Institute of Visual Design at Kyoto Seika University in Japan, and majored in Fine Art and Education at the National Taichung University of Education during undergraduate study, he was awarded a scholarship by the Ministry of Education to study abroad where he developed a fascination for Typography. After graduating from Kyoto Seika University, he joined Justfont in Taiwan, contributing as both a typeface designer and a lecturer for typography courses. And has participated in the design and production of typefaces such as "Jin Xuan", "Jinxuan Latte", and "Lanyang Ming", as well as the development of free fonts like "jf Open Huninn" and "Chiayi City Font".

Translated works include 'Beautiful Typefaces from Around the World ', columns of 'Typography Magazine 01-06', and 'European Typeface Design Method'; authored 'Color Universal Design Guidebook: Elementary School Stage'. Conducted Chinese typeface design courses such as 'justfont Typeclass ' and online course 'justfont Online Lettering Course', etc.

Workshop Information

⁕  工作營日期:2024 年11 月02 日(六)10:00 - 17:30 ( 9:30 開放報到 )

⁕  工作營地點:國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系 設計二館DC120教室


⁕  活動費用: NTD 200 / 每人(提供參與證明、識別證及午餐)

⁕  匯款資訊




    戶名:國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系 胡文淵


⁕  校外人數報名限額20人,雲科學生報名限額20人

⁕  Workshop Date: November 02, 2024 (Saturday) 10:00 - 17:30 (Registration opens at 9:30)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
⁕  Workshop Venue: Room DC120, Design Building 2, Department of Visual Communication Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 64002, Taiwan)
⁕  Participation Fee: NTD 200 / per person (includes certificate of participation, name badge, and lunch)

⁕  Remittance information
    Chunghwa Post Co.
    Bureau number 700
    Account number  0301008-0877276
    Account Name 國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系 胡文淵
    Note: Free admission for students from the Department of Visual Communication Design at YunTech, members of Taiwan Institute of Kansei, or members of the Taiwan Society of Basic Design and Art Conference.

⁕The registration limit for non-YunTech participants is 20 people, and the registration limit for YunTech students is also 20 people.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sign up


1. 當日務必自行攜帶以下工具:


2. 在活動前先觀看這個影片:
字戀小聚 #88造字起手式—給初學者的造字指南

3. 請搜集喜歡的中文與歐文字體設計,可使用手機拍攝路上的招牌、網站抓圖或截圖。中文與歐文都各搜集五張,並將搜集到的資料上傳到信件隨附之雲端連結中,雲端名稱為「2024ICWVCD工作營字體收集」,請在此創建個人姓名之資料夾(如:王小明),並上傳您搜集到的圖片資料。

1. Please bring the following tools with you on the day of the workshop: 2 HB pencils, a mechanical pencil, an eraser, a scissors, and 2 rubber bands.
2. Watch the video "字戀小聚 #88造字起手式—給初學者的造字指南" before the workshop.
3. Collect your favorite Chinese and European font designs by taking photos of signs, capturing screenshots from websites, or any other means. Gather five Chinese and five European font samples, then upload them to the Google drive link provided in the email. Create a personal folder with your name (e.g. Tom Wong) in the Google drive named "2024ICWVCD工作營字體收集" for uploading the collected images.

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