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Speaker Introduction


小山慎一 Shinichi Koyama


Shinichi Koyama received his Ph.D. (Psychology) from Boston University, USA in 2002. After that, he became a post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Psychology, Boston University; the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital NMR-Center, and the Department of Neurology at Showa University School of Medicine, Japan; an assistant/associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Chiba University, and a visiting associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, before becoming a full professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, Faculty of Art and Design in 2017. His research interests include psychological approaches to design evaluation, visualization of potential design needs, and basic research in Kansei Science.

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Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini

Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini為人機互動(HCI)、設計管理、互動設計和資訊設計等領域中的專業人士,並擁有多項國際出版成果。2003年獲得視覺傳達設計學士學位,隨後在2011年獲頒澳洲獎學金前往西澳大利亞的科廷大學研讀應用設計和藝術碩士學位,於2013年畢業。隨後在美國克萊門森大學擔任傅爾布萊特學者,攻讀修辭學、傳播與信息設計博士學位並專注於修辭學的使用者體驗與使用者互動設計。



Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini, is Assistant Professor in Visual Communication Design at Department of Visual Communication Design, ITS Surabaya.


She is also a Senior Manager for Promotion and Mobility at ITS Global Engagement and her role is to create strategic program for international promotion activities and student mobility such as study abroad and exchange program in ITS.


Oyn earned her bachelor’s degree in visual communication design in 2003. In 2011, she was awarded for an Australia Awards Scholarship and took her master’s degree in applied design and art, at Curtin University, Western Australia, and graduated in 2013. Oyn was a Fulbright Scholar when she did her Ph.D. in Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design from Clemson University, USA with her focus in rhetoric of User Experience/User Interaction design.


Oyn’s areas of expertise are in rhetorics of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), design management, interaction design, and information design. She has numbers of international publications in related fields particularly in topics of rhetoric of HCI, city branding, and design education. In her more than fifteen years working as an academic staff in ITS, Oyn has been trusted for some projects and managerial positions.


李根在 Ken-Tsai Lee





他受邀擔任多個設計競賽的評審,涵蓋平面設計、字體設計、廣告創意和當代藝術等多個類別。包括擔任英國的D&AD評審主席,倫敦華文創意獎設計類評審團主席,德國的IF Awards、美國的Communication Arts、澳洲維多利亞總理大臣獎、紐約廣告獎以及台灣當代ㄧ年展等。

Ken-tsai Lee is an associate professor at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology’s Department of Design and also serves as the head of the Ken-tsai Lee design Laboratory. His expertise spans multiple fields, including design, education, curation, and interdisciplinary contemporary art. He focuses on experimental and creative approaches, emphasizing the integration of teaching and practical application, and draws inspiration from the spirit of interdisciplinary exploration.


Ken-tsai Lee is committed to expanding the boundaries of the design field. He seeks to redefine design as not merely superficially related to themes but advocates for the creation of a harmonious coexistence of internal and external aspects. He is skilled at using creativity to address societal issues and demonstrates a keen insight into social matters.


He has been invited to serve as a judge for numerous design competitions covering various categories, including graphic design, typography design, advertising creativity, and contemporary art. These competitions include D&AD in the UK, IF Awards in Germany, Communication Arts in the USA, the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards in Australia, the New York Advertising Awards, and he has also served as the chairman of the judging panel for the London International Chinese Creative Awards in the design category, as well as the Taiwan Annual.

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